SMG - Star Music Group
SMG stands for Star Music Group
Here you will find, what does SMG stand for in Music under Entertainment category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Star Music Group? Star Music Group can be abbreviated as SMG What does SMG stand for? SMG stands for Star Music Group. What does Star Music Group mean?Star Music Group is an expansion of SMG
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Alternative definitions of SMG
- Scotts Company (Scotts Manufacturing Group)
- Sarah Michelle Gellar
- Sub Machine Gun
- Sequential Manual Gearbox
- Stock Market Game
- Special Mobile Group
- Shanghai Media Group
- Sequential M Gearbox
View 246 other definitions of SMG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SS The Surf Station
- SF The Safe Foundation
- SBGPI Small Business Growth Partners Inc.
- SACL Senko Advanced Components Limited
- SPT Summer Place Theatre
- SML Sports Management Laurier
- SLLL Sabia Learning Lounge LLC
- SMPL Scene Media Pr Ltd
- SUI Supplies Unlimited Inc.
- SCG The Strategic Consulting Group
- SSS Spruce Street School
- SM The Score Magazine
- SKTPL SK Transport Planning Ltd
- SOT Skylight Opera Theatre
- SFD Sulphur Fire Dept
- SPFD Santa Paula Fire Department
- SMG Spark Music Group
- SGI Switch Graphics Inc.
- SII Symphony Interactive Inc
- SUTP Sales and Use Tax Professional